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Amber앰벌珀แอมเบอร์أمبر 琥珀

Profesión: English Tutor
English Language Instruction
Been tutoring for 5 years now.

Purchasing/Maintenance Manager
Worked for a small company as a purchasing manager. Also did some HR work. Handled heavy equipment/maintenance as well.

Office Manager
Remote Office Manager for an Engineering firm.

Intereses: I was born in Minnesota, USA, and also lived in New Orleans, Louisiana. I lived in Thailand for 3 years but had to come back to the USA due to the pandemic. So now I relocated to New York State. I love learning about new cultures and languages.

Educación: Bachelor's Degree
Fundamentals and Methodology of Education

Idiomas que hablas: inglés (Nativo), español (Con fluidez), tailandés (Conversacional)

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